About Me

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I am Lacey and I am 15 years young. I love music and Harry Potter Movies ;) I am a homeschooled student. This is my first blog. I hope you all enjoy my blogs! Lady Gaga taught me Its okay to be different. Ke$ha taught me to be myself and not care what anyone else thinks. Bruno Mars taught me to do anything for that one person I love. Eminem taught me that life is hard but you can make it through. Taylor Swift taught me not every guy is going to treat me right. Michael Jackson taught me to always love the people around me. Bob Marley taught me to live my life in peace. Music taught me how to live....
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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Its been long time no see.

Wow. I haven't updated this since January :( 
Sorry I kinda forgot all about this blog, I don't know how I did cause I don't even have a life.

Anyways alot has happened since the last post, I saw Ronnie. Talk about f**ked up day. It was terrible but then great later. I ended up in the E.R the day after the concert. I had serious panic attacks, I couldn't eat or anything. I kept shaking when I thought of food it was so weird. I just get all these seriously weird thoughts in my mind that don't make sense, like fears about nothing. I was scared I'd f**ked up my chance seeing Ronnie, and well if you know me very well, I love that man to death. I'm actually seeing him again next week. Yeahh I literally started crying when I found out he was coming back again and guess what? I'm going to see him again in July! WOO!

Ohh guess what else? I was actually "in" a Ronnie music video, even though you can't see me, but I WAS THERE. I even have pictures to prove it.... see.... yeah I was really far back since I got sick...but meh I have 2 more chances to see him closer/ meet him.

Hmm... what else. I got my septum pierced! Yep I finally did it. I know a lot of people hate septum piercings and especially on girls, but I love them. I heard sooo many comments saying it is the most painful piercing (search it up) and honestly, it didn't hurt me. It was just like...woah. I only had tears fall out because it was just like holy shit. It wasn't painful or anything to me and I'm a 15 year old girl. My tongue piercing hurt a million times worse, which is crazy cause tongue piercings are supposed to not hurt that much.

Ohh I saw one of the greatest bands on Earth front row a month ago. Lets just say... me and the guitarist had a flirty night. And I absolutely love the guitarist and I have loved him since fricken November of last year..yeah I know it wasn't for too long of of a time xD  He threw his water at me and a few picks and he blew me a kiss ^.^ tehehhe. I came home with 2 picks ( really caught 3 but gave one to the lady next to me cause im nice like that) I'm going all fangirl,lol.  Can you guess what band? I highly doubt you can unless you know me or stalk my twitter.

Uhh what else, I saw BTR again with Sierra aka the girl I met last time I saw them... sometime I hope to post some pictures from the concert.

I saw HCR if you don't know who they're well I'm sure you do if you have listened to the top 40 cause they have been on there.

But yeaahhhh its almost easter...so happy easter my friends and fellow readers ^.^
I'm going to be spending this easter weekend with Cross Da Boss.

I need to update more often.........I'll try.

If I don't update by next Friday which I probably won't please please please please wish for me to meet Ronnie. It would mean sooo much to me. Honestly like this is probably the one guy I want to meet more than anyone in this world :)
You readers always make my "wishes" usually come true..that sounds weird but its true.

xoxo Lacey